Welcome to Prostate Cymru

Funding Research and Innovation

One of Prostate Cymru’s key aims is funding research and innovation across Wales to ensure that welsh men suffering with prostate disease will have access to the best available treatments from the NHS. 

The Prostate Cymru research and innovation fund was launched in 2016 and is designed to support projects relating to prostate diseases in men in Wales.

Grants will be awarded by a panel of key urologists from health boards across Wales. The one-off grants of up to £10,000 can be used to fund small projects or act as a ‘pump priming’ grant to stimulate larger projects. Applications for grants are invited for the following categories:

  • Scientific and clinical research
  • Innovations in the investigation of diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases


Initial applications should be submitted to [email protected] 

Successful applicants will be awarded their grants in the December of the application year. Applications will be open year round. 

Applications must include the name of the applicant, contact details and the category (research or innovations) applied for. Additionally in a summery of the proposed project you must include answers to the following:

• What is the proposed start date of the project?
• Is there a timeframe for the project to be completed, if not estimated time?
• What amount are you applying for within your application?
• Is this being totally funded by Prostate Cymru, if not what other means of funding is in place?
• Have you applied for funding from any other organisation/governing body?
• What is the desired outcome/benefit to patients?
• Is the project approved by your designated University Health Board, if so please provide contact details?
• If approved, who will be the recipient and guardian of the fund?

Please note that successful applicants are expected to provide the charity and its trustees a mid-point interim report and a full report on the completion of the project.



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